Who Has The Most Followers On Twitter In 2022?


We all use Twitter to talk to our favorite celebrities and to express our opinions on a variety of subjects. They are the Top Twitter accounts. Additionally, Twitter is where we find out about the most recent news. In fact, Twitter has become increasingly popular as a way to stay informed, and the great news channels there attract a large following of people who want to stay informed. Twitter trending hashtags are also created in this manner.

The most recent album from a fan’s favorite artist can be praised. Additionally, artists can reply to, retweet, or like those tweets. Musicians and artists tend to be the most popular accounts on Twitter, let’s go through a list and see the account with the highest number of followers. Prepare to learn who the most well-known Twitter users are.

Top 10 Most Followed Twitter Accounts

The ideal metric to assess an account’s popularity is the number of followers. Although it is not the only one, keep that in mind. Although it is true that followers can now be easily purchased, it is still advisable to exercise caution when following Twitter accounts that have a high number of followers but low engagement. Most followed on Twitter is like being the richest at Monopoly (hi, Hasbro!). Nevertheless, some accounts have millions of followers because they legitimately merited them. In actuality, celebrities are consistently found in the top spots. We don’t believe they actually purchased followers. The most followed accounts on Twitter are always those of famous people, including musicians, soccer players, TV shows, and even presidents and former presidents. We’re confident that the bitcoin Twitter community was among the most popular ones a few years ago.

10. Youtube (73.6m Followers)

YouTube is ranked number 10, which is before Twitter’s own account. Since YouTube has become one of the most popular accounts on Twitter and is the second-ranked website according to Alexa, its popularity has spread across all social media platforms.

Together with the succinct bio of “Like and subscribe.””, The YouTube account is pretty simple. On their platform, it merely publishes brevity clips and video links. It’s easy and a great way to highlight deserving YouTubers.

9. Ellen Degeneres (77.7m Followers)

Ellen DeGeneres is up next. Host of the massively popular Ellen show, her huge viewing figures have made her a hit on Twitter too.

We can also assume that part of the reason for her large following is due to her well-known Oscars tweet, which for a time held the record for most retweets ever.

Since @TheEllenShow is her show’s handle and her account is technically for that, nearly all of her tweets are images and videos that promote it. Having said that, occasionally there will also be a few personal tweets.

8. Lady Gaga (83.8m Followers)

With huge successes in music and acting, particularly with her recent performance in the film A Star is Born, On Twitter, Lady Gaga is the eighth most followed user.

According to our research, she is the third most influential woman on Twitter, so she clearly connects with her audience as well. Miley Cyrus, David Guetta, and Oprah Winfrey are some of her fans.

Updates on her acting, music, and Born This Way Foundation activities are the main topics of her account.

7. Ariana Grande (84.6m Followers)

Ariana Grande has had a successful couple of years, and thanks to her numerous hits, she hasn’t often been out of the news. Nobody will be surprised to see her on this list given how well-received her song “thank u, next” has done on Twitter since its release.

Jared Leto, Harry Styles, and Lindsay Lohan are among the many famous people who follow her on Twitter.

In addition to posting both personal and commercial tweets, Grande frequently thanks her followers.

6. Taylor Swift (88.9m Followers)

Taylor Swift is currently in sixth place as we approach the finish line. Being one of the biggest pop stars on the planet not only brings fame and wealth, but also Twitter followers.

According to our research, Swift also has the most followers on Twitter. Even more impressive is the fact that Taylor Swift hardly ever tweets.

Evidently patient are her nearly 90 million fans.

5. Cristiano Ronaldo (95.3m Followers)

Cristiano Ronaldo is the only athlete from a sporting event on the list. He has spent time at some of the top clubs in the world, including Juventus F.C, Real Madrid, and Manchester United, in addition to representing Portugal at the international level.

Lil Wayne, Usain Bolt, and Jack Dorsey—the CEO of Twitter—are among Ronaldo’s notable followers. He is currently ranked as the fourth most influential person on Twitter.

His tweets are generally pictures of him and his family hanging out and engaging in the usual activities that ridiculously wealthy footballers engage in, and his account is fairly consistent in this regard.

4. Rihanna (103.3m Followers)

The megastar and beauty product entrepreneur Rihanna is another musician on our list (but far from the last). She has amassed a sizable Twitter following thanks to the numerous hits she has to her credit and the success of her Fenty line of clothing.

Additionally, Rihanna’s Twitter has garnered a lot of attention, particularly when she criticized Donald Trump for playing her songs at his rallies.

In addition to political posts and promotional tweets, Rihanna’s Twitter account also features more intimate tweets, like shoutouts to collaborators.

3. Katy Perry (108.7m Followers)

Katy Perry, a well-known pop star and girl kisser, comes in third. Perry started out as a modest church singer but has since become one of the biggest musical acts in the world.

Perry, the second most influential woman on Twitter, is followed by Alicia Keys, Neil Patrick Harris, four members of One Direction (Zayn is the lone exception), and four other celebrities.

Perry uses Twitter to post her own ideas and personal messages rather than oversaturating the feed with promotional tweets (although they do appear occasionally too), which may account for her high follower count.

2. Justin Bieber (114m Followers)

Since his hit single “Baby” from 2010, Justin Bieber has been a nearly constant presence.” He has remained in the spotlight ever since, evolving his look and style as he got older, and has grown to be one of the biggest stars on this planet.

Jaden Smith, Queen Latifah, and Iggy Azalea are a few of Bieber’s more well-known fans. Additionally, he ranks as the seventh most powerful man on Twitter.

Comparing his actual account to others on this list, it has fewer promotional posts. Posts are infrequent and frequently consist of random thoughts and other types of content that any other Twitter user might publish.

1. Barack Obama (130.1m Followers)

Barack Obama, the two-term President of the United States, is in first place. It should come as no surprise that having the most prestigious position in the world attracts a large following.

Obama now primarily tweets about his other endeavors, like the work carried out by his Obama Foundation, since the presidency is behind him.

Congratulations to Obama for holding the title of Twitter’s most followed user!

What Accounts Do Famous People Follow On Twitter?

It’s possible to see which other Twitter accounts these well-known people follow. On the dashboard of Tweet Binder, you can see which Twitter accounts well-known people follow. As seen in the next image, Justin Timberlake and YouTube are the two artists that come after Justin Bieber, while Jennifer Lopez and Cristiano Ronaldo are the two artists that come after Justin Timberlake.

You can see who famous people follow on Twitter by visiting this page. You can also look at the celebrity accounts with the most followers. Nice tool.

Very popular Twitter accounts frequently follow a sparsely populated user base. There are some exceptions to this rule, though, in this situation. For instance, Justin Bieber follows 287,235 accounts while Barack Obama follows 589,225 users. As it is very challenging to keep track of what that many Twitter accounts are sharing, this is not something that happens very frequently. Of course, following 0 accounts makes no sense. Taylor Swift is a prime example of this. Although we are huge fans of this artist, it is not advisable to follow 0 accounts. However, we have to say that she interacts a lot with all her swifties. Additionally, she used the @taylornation13 account in addition to her own.

Track followers

Analyzing Twitter Popular Accounts With Tweet Binder

Having such a large following necessitates monitoring what they are saying. Those followers may be praising the account specifically, but they also might be criticizing it negatively. Tweet Binder is useful in those situations. You can follow anything on Twitter using our reports. You can turn on one of three types of Twitter reports for these kinds of actions:

  1. Twitter account report: to review each original tweet that one Twitter account shared. ⏪ Twitter user analysis
  2. Historical report: to monitor tweets made about the account. ⏪ Historical Twitter Reports!
  3. Twitter real-time report: to begin examining form right away. ⏩ Twitter updates in real time!

It is crucial—not to say necessary—to understand at least a portion of what your army of followers is saying. Of course, the artist shouldn’t read every tweet that is made about them. Users frequently express their opinions in a cruel manner, which can be detrimental to the artist. The account managers have this responsibility. It is up to them to keep track of what is being said.

Popular Twitter Accounts Highlights

In this article, we’ll examine Twitter’s popularity from two different angles:

  • Number of followers has historically been used to indicate popularity, but there are many ways to fake this number: you can buy followers or follow a lot of users to get follow-backs. Anyone today can locate a Twitter follower tracker that aids in monitoring the peaks and valleys in the number of followers. Although not the only one, this number is significant.
  • Economic value: This term refers to how much a user’s tweet would be worth if it were to trade on the market. The Top Twitter accounts don’t necessarily need to have a large number of followers; they can instead have a high economic value, which is why Tweet Binder has created this new influence metric to complement the number of followers. The user will have more sway the more valuable the asset is economically. Because it combines many metrics, you can find out more about the market value of a hashtag or user.

We will only use the Twitter website to count the number of followers; you can visit it to see how many of these top Twitter accounts have followers. We will use Twego for influencers, a recent tool from the Tweet Binder family, for the economic value. In order to analyze Ellen DeGeneres or Katy Perry’s tweets and accounts, simply continue reading and have fun!

Tweets Sent By @elonmusk – July 2022

As Elon Musk is becoming one of the most popular account on Twitter, we are going to see how many tweets he has shared in We have built a Twitter historical report to run this report, which will be available in July 2022. The analysis will return all of @elonmusk’s tweets from July 1, 2022, through July 30, 2022.

Elon Musk is becoming a top Twitter account by followers – This is a sample report of his tweets share in July 2022

When we use Tweet Binder to create a Twitter analytics report, the section with the general stats is the first thing we see. Since we are aware that sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between impacts and reach, we have written several posts about it. This blog has more information on those metrics, including definitions of tweetreach and Twitter impressions. Let’s examine these figures in greater detail. @elonmusk produced the following in April:

  • 314 original tweets (no retweets analyzed)
  • 32,251,917,273 potential impacts
  • 102,725,555 potential reach

The user of Tweet Binder reports receives rankings of users in addition to general statistics. The most comprehensive Twitter data source is actually Tweet Binder reports.

Blank Social network post surrounded with floating elements on blue background. Modern minimal design. 3d vector illustration

Real Top Twitter Accounts – Top 10

Okay, let’s get a little contentious because sometimes we like to cause trouble. Who has the most influential account on Twitter? For us, the account that produces the most engagement will win. Engagement on Twitter is:

  • Mentions
  • Retweets
  • Likes

One million followers on Twitter without any replies or likes raises some red flags, to put it mildly. The above-mentioned market economic value is completed by a new formula that we have created. It goes like this: the To analyze the true worth of the most followed accounts on Twitter, Twitter engagement value is ideal. In terms of value, the higher the number (in US dollars) the better. There is a brief comment here, though, so allow us to pose a query to you: would you be “happy” if you get 100 retweets to one of your tweets? You would, we’re positive. Now, ask Katy Perry the same question. 100 retweets in a single tweet from Katy seem insignificant, right? Taking that into account, we were able to determine the engagement value by: 100 retweets for your tweet are ok, 100 retweets for It’s not okay for Katy to tweet.

The account has less engagement than anticipated if the engagement value is lower than the economic value.

Taking into account the engagement value, let’s examine the top 10 Twitter accounts:

NameTwitter HandleEconomic valueEngagement value
Barack Obama@BarackObama$172,135.85$240,629.81
Justin Bieber@justinbieber$150,415.02$160,539.32
Katy Perry@katyperry$144,194.27$31,103.13
Elon Musk@elonmusk$136,667.08$493,385.98
Cristiano Ronaldo@Cristiano$136,563.44$1,443,683.15
Taylor Swift@taylorswift13$122,185.84$1,637,437.55
Ariana Grande (until she deleted the account)@ArianaGrande$131,279.43$195,158.35
Lady Gaga@ladygaga$114,632.74$117,391.29
Narendra Modi@narendramodi$110,567.71$102,662.31
Ellen DeGeneres@TheEllenShow$105,709.97$2,421.67

We have a few accounts that are receiving a HUGE amount of engagement, especially Justin Bieber and Barack Obama. More than ten times more is invested in their engagement than is invested in the market. This indicates that they are receiving much more engagement than our algorithm predicted. Two accounts, on the other hand, have lower engagement values: YouTube, Katy, and Ellen (don’t worry, we still love you). Therefore, check Twego and compare the engagement value with the market value to determine someone’s true Twitter influence.

The correlation between engagement value and economic value would be the true influence metric. Positive results indicate that the engagement of that account is greater than 1, while negative results indicate that it should be higher.

Analyzing Popular Twitter Accounts

As you can see, Tweet Binder makes it very simple to keep track of trending accounts on Twitter. Twitter accounts that are most frequently followed can be quickly found. In fact, you can learn everything that has been said about any account in less than five minutes. We have run this example with @barackobama, the most popular account on Twitter by number of followers. Have you got a different account’s stats that you need? Why do you persist in waiting?

Create report

Looking For Top Tweets

We all know that tweeting is primarily used to express one’s opinion. However, it’s also critical to reach as many people as you can. Because of this, the main action a tweeter anticipates when he sends it is a Like or RT. Twitter’s top accounts consistently receive a high level of engagement, and popular accounts have a significant impact. Nowadays, marketing campaigns aim to go viral; at least, that’s what the social media managers hope for. Top tweets are a part of the viral phenomenon that has taken over our world in recent years. A top tweet is simply a tweet that received an unexpected response; it need not have been posted by a well-known user or top Twitter account: retweets and likes mostly.

In fact, this is a foundational aspect of the influencer culture. At least according to what they told us, when an influencer sends a post, he is aware that it will be viewed by hundreds of thousands of people. This might be regarded as viral in some ways. So, how can marketing managers detect the top tweets that have been sent during their campaign? This is very simple to do with Tweet Binder! You can locate those tweets using the Twitter advanced search.


As you can see, Tweet Binder can assist you in conducting a very thorough analysis on your hashtag, term, or keyword. Despite how valuable the information is, it does not assist in identifying the top tweets within a campaign. Up to 500 tweets from the previous seven days are included in reports generated from our homepage. These are the free reports; if you have a PRO subscription, you can receive up to 20,000 or 140,000 tweets per report, depending on your plan. Any campaign you run on Twitter can make use of these commands. For Twitter chats, for instance, they are extremely useful because they can help identify pertinent tweets sent during the chat.

We always follow one of those popular Twitter accounts because everyone uses it in some way. A fake account can be used to simply scroll down and read tweets, or you can have your own personal account. The blue bird Social Network, whose name is Larry by the way, is a prison from which nobody can escape. Twitter has made it possible for fans and artists to interact more closely.