What is the Platformer Meaning


Platform games, also known as “platformers,” are a type of video game where the player controls a character’s movement through an environment by performing a series of action-based actions like running, jumping, or swinging from ropes. Early 1980s video games were the first to use platforms, which allowed players to move from one screen to another after completing a level. Later in the decade, scrolling motion allowed a character to move through an environment while the rest of the scene appeared on the screen as they moved vertically or horizontally. The term “platform game” refers to the series of platforms that a character can run and jump onto in many of these games. In a platform game, the player’s avatar might have to complete levels by resolving puzzles, eliminating enemies, dodging hazards, collecting coins, and/or accomplishing other goals. While many people categorize platformers as an action game subgenre, many of their components can also be found in other game genres, including puzzle, strategy, and adventure games.


Single Screen Platformers

As the name implies, single-screen platform games are played on a single game screen and typically include obstacles the player must avoid in order to succeed as well as a goal. The best single-screen platform game is Donkey Kong, in which Mario moves up and down steel platforms while dodging and jumping barrels that are thrown at him.

When the single screen’s objective is finished, the player either moves on to another screen or stays on the same screen, but in both cases, the objective and goals for the subsequent screen usually get harder. Burgertime, Elevator Action, and Miner 2049er are a few other well-known single-screen platform games.

Side And Vertical Scrolling Platformers

Platform games with a side or vertical scrolling can be recognized by their background and game screen that scrolls as the player approach one game screen edge. Numerous levels are another characteristic of many of these scrolling platform games. Until the level is finished, players must move across the screen gathering items, eliminating enemies, and completing various tasks.

After finishing one level, they will proceed to the next, usually a more challenging level. Many of these platform games also feature boss fights at the end of each level, which must be won in order to move on to the next screen or level. Classic games like Super Mario Bros., Castlevania, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Pitfall are just a few examples of these scrolling platform games!

Decline And Resurgence

Since the late 1990s, the popularity of the platform genre has significantly decreased as graphics and video games in general have become more complex. Platform games only made up 2% of the video game market in 2002, down from their peak of over 15%, according to the website for video game developers Gamasutra. Platform games, however, have seen a resurgence in popularity in more recent years.

While recently released platform games like New Super Mario Bros. Wii and retro game packs and consoles have contributed to this, mobile phones are primarily to blame. Through the re-release of classic games and the creation of brand-new original titles, mobile phone app stores, like Google Play for Android users, are stocked with thousands of different kinds of platform games.

Classic remakes and original PC games like Cave Story, Spleklunky, and Icy Tower are just a few of the incredible freeware platformers that you can download and play on your PC.

Platform games have become more popular on mobile devices like iPhones, iPads, and other tablets and phones in addition to the many freeware platform games that are available for the PC. Sonic CD and Rolando 2 are popular iOS games. To name a couple, there is League of Evil and Quest for the Golden Orchid.

4 Features Of A Platformer Game

Platform games involve a character navigating an environment in order to complete tasks, get high scores, or just stay alive. Since this game genre has changed significantly over the years, many of these games may have different visuals. But the following characteristics are typically found in platform games.

  1. 1. Interactive environment: The environment or level design of a game greatly influences a character’s abilities. In particular, platform games are made to test the player as their character navigates complex obstacles like spiked platforms, fatal traps, or fire-filled canyons.
  2. 2. Third-person perspective. The third-person perspective is a common design choice for platform video games, allowing the player to see the character they are controlling on the screen in front of them. However, first-person games are played from the character’s perspective. In order to create a more immersive experience, more games in recent years have experimented with a first-person perspective.
  3. 3. Vertical and horizontal movement. The majority of platformers are two-dimensional side-scrollers, which means that as the player moves the screen either horizontally or vertically, they see their character from the side. Modern platform games have added a third dimension to their perspective, enabling more fluid movement and exploration.
  4. 4. Controlled jumping. The player controls the character’s ability to jump, which is one of the game’s key elements. In these games, jumping is frequently required to move around the environment and advance to the next level.

7 Examples Of Platformer Games

Platform games come in a variety of designs, from the classic to the contemporary, for a number of consoles. Several well-known platform games are shown here.

  1. 1. Castlevania: Castlevania was one of the first major platforming games for the Nintendo system, also known as the NES. In this 2D platformer, a vampire hunter explores Dracula’s castle in search of vampires. The game is broken down into 18 stages, and in order to advance to the end and battle the boss, the player must complete each one before their health runs out.
  2. 2. Crash Bandicoot: In this 3D platforming game, Crash, a large marsupial, travels through various environments to reach the boss battle and take down the maniacal scientist bent on taking over the world.
  3. 3. Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong originally began as an arcade game before moving to game consoles. In the game, Donkey Kong, an ape, drops barrels on Mario as he attempts to climb a ladder covered in obstacles and save Princess Peach. Jumping had never been used in a platform game before.
  4. 4. Mega Man: Mega Man is another popular franchise known for its platforming style and challenging level design. As he defends the world from a malicious robotic scientist, the game follows Megaman, a character who is half robot and half human. Capcom developed this science fiction video game franchise.
  5. 5. Mirror’s Edge: Mirror’s Edge is a 3D platformer that provides the player with a first-person perspective, allowing them to see through the eyes of the character as they maneuver their way through dizzying heights and challenging obstacles.
  6. 6. Sonic the Hedgehog: In this franchise game (originally released by SEGA), players take control of Sonic, a lightning-quick blue hedgehog. The main objective of these games is to complete each level as quickly as possible while collecting rings and eliminating enemies.
  7. 7. Super Mario Bros: Mario (and occasionally his brother Luigi) travels through various worlds and settings in the original Mario brothers franchise game, which was a multiplayer arcade game. Super Mario 64 and other later Mario games for the Nintendo 64 (N64) console are examples of 3D platformers.